Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Tea Time


Well, I did it. I let Ty give Miles his first sip of sweet tea. Yes, I am "that mom" that is paranoid about everything that goes into my child's mouth. Whether it is food or his hands or someone else's hands, I am always worried about it. I know, I know....I'm crazy. Anyways, last night I had a cup of sweet tea in my hands and Miles was going after it like he knew what it was. It was pretty hilarious to see. So when Ty got home he thought he would see what Miles would do and to say the least, he LOVED it. His little face lit right up and he was wanting more. Ohhhh no....hopefully we haven't started something. For all of you out there who are worried, don't be, he won't be getting anymore anytime soon. : )

Being a happy boy!

This was him looking at my glass of tea. Hahaha

And here he is with the cup. Hehehe...


  1. So cute!!! We love some sweet tea in our house too, but so far Nicholas hasn't gone after it (only beer)!

  2. I love that last pic!! So adorable!

  3. I know what you mean about the beer. I don't know what it is about those bottles. It is SO funny though. Miles is now going after the cup every time it is in our hands.
