I know, it has been awhile. What can I say, I have been super busy. This last month I would be surprised if I took more than 5 pictures of Miles. Since he has begun walking, it is hard to watch him and try to take photos at the same time. Anyways, here are a few. Also, I figured I would make a list of things that Miles is now doing.
* He is walking. He was taking steps before his 1st bday, but I didn't count that as "walking." I would say for the past 4 or 5 weeks he has been fully walking.
* He says "dada", "mama", "car", "look" (sounds like ook), "book" (once again, sounds like ook), "grumps" (umps, this is my grandfather), "all gone" (ga gone), and "block" (it really just sounds like ck part of block).
* He claps his hands.
* He blows raspberries.
* He plays peek a poo.
* He eats 3 meals a day, 2 snacks and 3 sippy cups of milk.
* He wears mainly 18 month clothes.
* He LOVES to read. All day long he brings me books and wants to sit in my lap while I read to him.
* He sleeps fully through the night. We were having issues with this for a while, but I think he was too hot in his fleece pj's. Ever since we started putting him in footless cotton pj's, he sleeps great!
* He will eat about anything...except for veggies. The only way I can get him to eat them is if they are in the squeezable pouches. Oh well.
* He loves cars and trucks. I think he is a little obsessed.
I know the lighting isn't great in this photo, but I love the way his eyes stand out.
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