Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Ear infection

Well I ended up taking Miles to CHOA (Children's Healthcare of Atlanta) today because he was up ALLLLLLLL night long screaming and refused to be laid down and about noon time today his fever came back. Sure enough it is a cold and an ear infection. I feel terrible that I didn't catch it earlier, but I had no idea. Everything you read says that will be pulling at their ears and such, but he never did that. It was only the refusal to be laid down that finally got me thinking. So, he will be on antibiotics for the next 10 days and I have to watch his fever closely. Maybe with the Tylenol (generic for those of you worried about me giving him the real stuff) and Ibuprofen, we will both get some sleep tonight.

Miles and me last Saturday....right before he got sick.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Miles' first cold

Well, like I had previously mentioned, Miles finally got a cold. I knew it was bound to happen sometime, but I hate that it did. Miles has been pretty MISERABLE lately. Poor guy. It started out Sunday with a fever and he is pretty much still battling it. His fever has been gone since Monday night, but he is SO congested and now has developed a cough. UGH! I hate germs. You know people always say "well it's good for them to get sick, it helps the immune system." While I don't disagree with that, I would MUCH rather him get sick when he can actually blow his nose and tell me what is wrong. The MOST terrifying thing to me is the fact that I don't know what hurts or doesn't feel good. I am super protective of him and to not be able to help him 100% is SOOO difficult on me. Anyways, enough about how I feel. Even though he was not feeling good at all, I managed to get some good photos of him. He is such a trooper. If it was me, there is absolutely no way I would allow photos while feeling so bad.
Ohh, I forgot to mention. He isn't eating well. He is normally a VERY good eater but I am struggling to get him to eat half the amount he normally does. His night time bottle is 7 oz and tonight he refused to take more than 2. Sigh.
Baby boy, please hurry up and get better!!

Pouting...He doesn't feel good.
(Once again, I don't know how to rotate the picture)
"Look at my puffy red eyes" Look closer and you might see snot.
Happy boy!! "I'm starting to feel better!"
"I'm not eating my food so I might as well eat my highchair."

Monday, August 23, 2010

Perfect Picture

OK, I have to make it fast. Miles is sick and so I am trying to cuddle him and smooch on him as much as possible. He has been running a fever for almost 24 hours. Yesterday it got as high as 102.5. I just took him to the doctor and they think it is a virus. I am to watch his temperature for the next few days and keep an eye out on rashes. Anyways, on to my post for today. This past weekend we had a family event and while we were there my cousin got this awesome shot of Miles. We are actually having it blown up and put on a canvas sometime soon.
Thank you Shelly & Chad!!!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Highchair pictures and 6 month check up


Such a sweet boy! He is keeping an eye on the food that is in my hands.

Waiting patiently on food. I just love this kid!



Yesterday was Miles' 6 month check up and he did awesome. He got his 2 vaccines (DTaP and Rotavius) and only cried a little. He also got his vision test done (I had no idea they did this) and he did great! I think he actually enjoyed the little movie they showed, even though he was wearing a "pirate patch." He now weighs 18lbs 1oz.(50-75%), is 28 inches long(90-95%), and his head is 45.9 centimeters (95%). Looks like I have a pretty big kid on my hands. I will tell you, he has done some major growing considering he weighed 5lbs 9oz at birth and was only 18 3/4inches.

Miles getting set up for his vision test.
(He actually enjoyed it once the movie started)

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Miles' chair

We finally got a highchair! We have been looking for some time now, but just could find one that we really liked and one that wasn't going to break the bank. So today, I went to BRU and low and behold they had one in their clearance section. Now, if you know me, really know me, you know that I LOVE to find a bargain. Well, I hit the jackpot! We got it for $40. As we were looking at it the manager walks by and begs us to take it and I told him I left my 20% coupon at home or else we would (I said this because I knew he had another laying around somewhere) and so he went and got us one and we got. YAY!!! Miles will be so happy to finally be sitting in it instead of his bouncy. There will be pictures of him in it hopefully tomorrow.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Toes, Posing, and Food..OH MY!

Here are a few things that Miles and I have been working on this week.

It finally happened! Miles found his toes! For a good week now he has been grabbing them and just in the last few days he has begun putting them in his mouth. For a while I thought he wasn't going to show any interest in them, but I was wrong.

I think Miles finally knows what to do when the camera comes out. As you can see, he is posing for pictures now. He hears the click of the flash and before you know it he has a big grin on his face. Oh how I love this age!

Lastly, I am so proud of myself. I made Miles some homemade baby food. Yep, I made apples and butternut squash. It really was super easy and I got about 12 servings. Hopefully this weekend I can make a lot more. I think I may try making peas, pears, peaches, and zucchini. I will let ya'll know how it goes. Oh, and for the record, Miles LOVED it.

Got my toes!!
Say cheeeeeeese....
Butternut squash on the left and apples on the right

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Big Boy Seat

Miles is now in a "big boy seat." We officially moved him to a convertible car seat today. I had NO idea that we would be doing this so soon, but he was definitely ready. So after much research and consideration, we decided on the Evenflo Symphony 65. It is pretty awesome! It will hold him in the form that it is in now till he is 65 lbs then once he needs a booster seat, it converts to one and will hold him till he is 100lbs. Now, I don't anticipate him needing a booster till he is 100lbs, but it is always good to plan ahead. : )
Here are a few pictures of him in it. Hahaha...poor thing looks so little in it, but he was practically pushing himself out of his infant carrier. FYI, I am not sure if you know this or not, but once their feet hang out of the infant carrier and they can touch the back of the seat with their feet, it is time to switch.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Tea Time


Well, I did it. I let Ty give Miles his first sip of sweet tea. Yes, I am "that mom" that is paranoid about everything that goes into my child's mouth. Whether it is food or his hands or someone else's hands, I am always worried about it. I know, I know....I'm crazy. Anyways, last night I had a cup of sweet tea in my hands and Miles was going after it like he knew what it was. It was pretty hilarious to see. So when Ty got home he thought he would see what Miles would do and to say the least, he LOVED it. His little face lit right up and he was wanting more. Ohhhh no....hopefully we haven't started something. For all of you out there who are worried, don't be, he won't be getting anymore anytime soon. : )

Being a happy boy!

This was him looking at my glass of tea. Hahaha

And here he is with the cup. Hehehe...

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Thank you Landon!

Miles received an awesome 6 month birthday gift today from his good buddy in Texas. Yes, I said Texas. Landon is the son on one of my friends Lauren, who I met on while I was pregnant. Lauren was on bed rest battling pre-eclampsia just like I was and we became good friends. We wrote to each other every single day, more accurately, we wrote to each other multiple times a day. Since that very first email, we have kept in touch and hopefully in the next few months we will finally be able to meet each other.

Thank you Lauren and Landon for Miles' baseball Babylegs!! They are absolutely adorable!

Concentrating very hard on his baseball Taggie while wearing his baseball Babylegs.
Super cute!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

6 months old!

Today, my baby is 6 months old. Wow! Where in the world did the time go? It seems like yesterday that I found out I was pregnant with him. These past 6 months have been nothing short of amazing. Sure, being a mom is quite difficult at times, but I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.

A few of you know my story about my pregnancy, but for those who don't, I will recap. About 7 months ago today, I was put on hospital bed rest. I went in for a scheduled ultrasound and just by chance I was able to speak with my doctor about the way I was feeling. I was pretty darn miserable. I was gaining weight like no one's business (10lbs in a week), my eyes were glossy, my feet were no longer feet (yes, I had cankles), I had severe numbness and tingling in my left arm and I had pretty much stopped peeing. Well, my blood pressure was 178/104. YIKES! She immediately rushed me to the hospital and on the way there was briefing Ty and me on the fact that we may have our baby in a few hours. She was also telling us about how well (or not so well) a 31 week baby would do. All in all, it was a terrifying experience. OK, lets fast forward. 2 1/2 weeks later I was discharged and was sent home on strict bed rest. I was to get up to pee and that was about it.
The day that I was put in the hospital I was diagnosed with pre-eclampsia. All I have to say is that I don't wish that horrible beast on anyone. Every single day was a battle. Every single day the doctors commented on how they couldn't believe I was still pregnant (they were all convinced I was going to have Miles before 34 weeks.) 2 weeks after I got sent home....Miles decides to come on his own. Yep, that's my boy. Impatient like his momma.

With all of that being said, I would do it all over again in a heartbeat. Miles is here and is perfectly healthy and that is all I could ever ask for.

Miles, you make me so incredibly happy. Everyday you put a smile on my face and everyday I thank God that I have you in my life. Actually, I lose count before noon on how many times I thank God for you. You are SO special and I am extremely grateful that you are mine.

Happy 6 month birthday baby boy. I love you.

The last picture of my big belly before I got put on bed rest. I was about 29 weeks here. Hahaha...I was HUGE!

Miles and me about a week after he was born. His preemie clothes were huge on him.
Miles right after he was discharged from the NICU. His first day in our room with no cords attached or IV in his arm. Such a happy moment for me.
My very first time holding Miles.
A few days old.

My sweet boy minutes after birth.
Miles was about to be rushed to the NICU, but this nurse gave me a second to give him a kiss and to see him for the very first time.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Daddy and Me

Miles and his da-da are like two peas in a pod. Not only do they look exactly alike, but they act just alike. Oh boy...this should be an exciting journey. Two males that are just like each other under the same roof?! Nahhh, it won't be that bad. Hopefully.
No, I'm just kidding...I love the two of them so much and it makes me so happy to see them together. Miles' face always lights up as soon as Ty walks in the room. Not to mention, Ty can get Miles to belly laugh like no one else. Here are a few pictures of the two of them as well as a video of Miles laughing hysterically at Ty playing peek-a-boo. Enjoy!!

Miles and Ty the day he was born.

Mother's Day- This is what I find in my bed.
My two boys.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Sitting like a big boy!

The past few weeks Miles has been trying his best to sit up while he is playing on the floor. Most of the time he would last a few seconds and then I would have to catch him from falling. Well today he was doing it SO well and I managed to catch a few photos. I would say he was probably sitting like this for a good 5 minutes or so. There were a few times he would begin to fall, but he ended up catching himself. I don't think we are to the point where I can sit him down and go sit on the couch and watch him play, but we are close. My baby boy is growing up WAY too fast!
Look at me!! I'm a big boy!
He has his eye on something...not sure what.
Going after my Taggie- Thanks Britt!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Mr. Adorable

So these past few days Miles and I have laid low. We spent most of the day in our jammies and I have to admit, it was quite nice. Here are a few pictures of our last few days. What can I say? My little man is just too cute!!
Not sure what he is thinking
Smiling at mommy giving him kisses
Still in my jammies
(Sorry the picture is turned. I couldn't figure out how to rotate it)
Hey Everybody!!
He is holding onto the couch here and standing all by himself

Monday, August 2, 2010

Miles Squealing

All I can say is Miles definitely has a personality these days. Whether he is laughing, crying or just hanging out, I am beginning to see his personality take full form. He has always been a pretty mellow kid and has always enjoyed playing, but these days he LOVES to scream in excitement. Today I got a video of him screaming in his entertainment center and I thought I would share! Of course, as soon as I start recording it he isn't nearly as excited as he was two seconds before.

Video uploaded courtesy of Ty "Moosemeat" Davis

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Miles goes to church

Today Miles went to his very first church service. I have never taken him because I have been too afraid that he would not do well and that it just wouldn't be worth going. Well, he actually did really well. He LOVED the singing and even fell asleep towards the end, but as soon as the preacher started speaking he woke up. I got really nervous when he woke up but he just sat there and played with his toy. A few times he let out a big burp or toot and a few times he sighed..... I guess he wasn't that impressed with the preacher. Hahaha!! No, I'm just kidding. Anywho, I am excited to try another church next week and hopefully it is just as successful!

Miles being goofy after church. He is such a happy boy. : )