Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Hangin' around the house

As everyone knows, we were stuck in the house for about 4 days this past week and so what better to do than take pictures?! I will have to admit, I didn't take many, but the ones I did get were really cute. Miles is a lot like his mommy. He DOES NOT like to be in the house much. Hopefully that means that when he is a little bigger we will be spending a lot of time outside riding bikes or hiking or simply just playing in the grass. He didn't really know what to think about the snow but he LOVED the cold air blowing on his face. It was pretty cute to see.

This was actuallly new year's day and Miles was eating his black eyed peas and collard greens.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Christmas morning

Here are a few photos from Christmas morning. Unfortunately we don't have many (as usual, I tend to forget to take pictures) but the ones we do have are super special. : )

Christmas morning on our way into Hollywood Studios.
Christmas morning! He was such a happy boy!
Holding his new sippy cup that Santa put in his stocking.
He is wondering why dada is interrupting him while he is going through his stocking.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Miles these days

So I figured that I would go ahead and update everyone on what Miles has been up to. These past few months have really been a lot of fun! Miles has suddenly turned into this little man and I am not so sure how I feel about him growing up so fast on me. Here are some things that Miles is doing.

* He is crawling ALL over the place.
* He is eating pretty much whatever we eat. He very rarely gets baby food.
* He cruises all around our couch and will even pull himself up on the highchair and push it around our kitchen.
* He walks everywhere with his dinosaur walker.
* He took 2 steps while in Florida, but hasn't really done it since.
* He will walk holding onto us, ie: either onto our hands or while holding onto our pants while we walk backwards.
* He says Dada and knows what it means.
* He still only says Mama when he is crying or not getting his way...with Dada.
* His newest "word" is Gaga. I am not sure what he is trying to say, but he says it ALL the time.
* He waves hello and bye bye and knows what it means.
* He will sign to me that he is "all done", but only if I ask him if he is all done.
* He laughs at us when we tell him no. (Oh no!)
* He adores the song "moon river" and it is one of the only songs that he will calm down to.
* He gives kisses when asked for them.
* He only takes his sippy cup now. No more bottles. Although, we are still working on a hard spout sippy. He is VERY particular about his sippy. : )
* He has a STRONG attachment to his "Mr. Frogs." Did I say strong? I mean we can't leave home with out it.
* He still hates to be read to. : ( I am told this will pass soon, and I sure hope it does! He is just too busy for me to read to him.
* He is in size 4 diapers and I think he will be there for a looooonnnng time. Hopefully we can get him potty trained before we have to go to size 5. (Fingers crossed!)
* He hates shoes and socks. (More of a reason to move to an island somewhere.)

That is all that is coming to mind right now. I am sure I am forgetting something, but you get the idea.
In just a few days my baby boy will be 11 months old and I CAN'T believe it! I am currently in the process of figuring out his first birthday party plans and that just seems so crazy to me. Isn't he still my 5lb 9oz baby boy that was so tiny he didn't even fit into his preemie clothes?

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Our Disney Adventure

WE'RE BACK! I cannot believe that we left town before Christmas and we arrived home late yesterday afternoon. That is quite a long time to be gone and I think we were all ready to be back in the comforts of our own home. With that being said, we did have a great time with Ty's family and enjoyed being able to spend some time together.

While we were gone we managed to spend 2 days at Disney (it was suppose to be 3 days, but the third day was way too cold and windy), go to Kennedy Space Center, spend a few days in St. Augustine, and then on our way home we stopped by Savannah for a night.

I have to say Disney was just as I remembered it some 18 or so years ago. Not much has changed, which isn't a bad thing. Miles was able to ride one ride (which I was surprised he could even do that) and I think he really enjoyed it! He was a real trooper even though we kept him out ALL day EVERYDAY and I have to say that I am SO proud of him.

Somewhere in Disney...
Miles and Ty on the Buzz Lightyear Ride. They both look a little nervous! Haha!
Miles just hanging out in his stroller...being a very happy boy!
Cinderella's Castle after they lit it on Christmas Eve. SO pretty!
The VERY crowded streets of Disney World. (Note: This was Christmas Eve at about 8pm and the park was still VERY crowded!) Don't you people know Santa won't come if you aren't in your beds?!?!
Family photo!
Cinderella's Castle on the way into the park on the ferry boat.
Ty and Miles checking in at Disney!