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Saturday, September 10, 2011

Remembering 9/11

As I was driving down the road today, I started thinking a lot about 9/11. I think about it quite often, but since it is the 10 year anniversary, it is really making me very emotional. I remember that day like it was yesterday and I will never forget it. I remember laying in my bed watching the news that evening and crying my eyes out. I was 15 years old, a sophomore in high school and I was terrified.

As I was thinking about it today, it hit me that that event was the only big event that I have been alive for. Then it hit me that Miles has no clue what happened that day and that it is going to be my responsibility to teach him about it. As that thought crossed my mind, I got very upset and teary-eyed. I mean, what a big job that is. I know that raising a child is the toughest job that I will ever have, but to explain to a child about something that happened before he was ever born and to explain it to its fullest...that is tough stuff.

9/11 has been and will continue to shape his future. It will shape the way he will perceive certain cultures and ultimately, when 9/11 happened, it changed life as we know it...which is the only life he has ever known.

Hopefully when the time comes I can explain it to him the way it should be explained.

With all of that being said, I pray for the families that lost someone that day, I pray for all the soldiers who have lost their lives defending OUR country and I pray that we never ever forget what happened that day.

God Bless America.

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